Positioning Essay
Verbal Portrait
Visual Portrait
Critical Bibliographic Essay
Tasia's Story
"Big" Ethnography
Supporting Projects:
Reflections of Stone Belt
Blog 1: The Art of Stone Belt
Abstract: The art piece Cicada Data is a reflection on the Stone Belt Community and the opportunities, provided through art, offered to Stone Belt Clients, Staff, Volunteers, Community Members, and more. Art is representative of empowerment, breaking through the stigmas of disability, and a bridge of communication between individuals who have disabilities and individuals who do not. Below, is a blog post titled The Art of Stone Belt.
Blog 3: A Dinner in the Life...
Abstract: This is a reflection on my visit to Southern House, where I had dinner with Tasia, her roommates and two staff members. This piece represents my experience with Tasia outside of Stone Belt, her workplace, into her home. Over dinner, I discovered more of Tasia’s character and experienced the supports provided by Stone Belt in a new way!
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